Melungeon Surnames and Last Names: Melungeon surnames and last names, passed down through generations, offer a window into their rich and complex history. These surnames, often shared among Melungeon families, suggest common ancestry and connections to specific regions. While some surnames have been traced back to European and Native American roots, others remain shrouded in mystery, hinting at a more diverse heritage.


Also See: Hebrew Last Names

Melungeons, a fascinating and enigmatic group with mixed ancestry, have long intrigued researchers and genealogists. Their unique heritage, blending European, Native American, and possibly African origins, is reflected in the diverse surnames they carry.

List 101+ Melungeon Surnames and Last Names With Meanings

  1. Gibson – son of Gilbert
  2. Collins – son of Colin
  3. Mullins – descendant of Maelan
  4. Goins – variation of the Welsh name Gwyn
  5. Bowlin – variant of Bolin
  6. Bunch – a group or cluster
  7. Minor – younger, smaller
  8. Moore – marshland or moor
  9. Perkins – son of Peter
  10. Goodman – good man
  11. Williams – son of William
  12. Sizemore – large or extensive swamp
  13. Sexton – church official
  14. Young – young or youthful
  15. Riddle – enigma or puzzle
  16. Crabtree – dweller by the crab apple tree
  17. Bolin – variant of Bohlin, a Swedish name
  18. Powell – son of Howell
  19. Carpenter – worker in wood
  20. Fields – open land, meadow

Unique Melungeon Surnames

  1. Jackson – son of Jack
  2. Lawson – son of Lawrence
  3. Powers – someone who had great influence or power
  4. Drake – dragon or serpent
  5. Casey – vigilant, watchful
  6. Terry – ruler of the people
  7. Osborne – god-like
  8. Freeman – free man
  9. Adkins – son of Adam
  10. Sampson – sun
  11. Goodman – good man
  12. Bell – dweller near the bell-shaped object
  13. Hall – someone who lived in or worked in a hall
  14. Powers – someone with great influence or power
  15. Vann – pale-skinned
  16. Chaney – oak tree
  17. Bowens – son of Owen
  18. Hall – someone who lived in or worked in a hall
  19. Ramsey – wild garlic island
  20. Lea – meadow or pasture

Best Melungeon Last Names

  1. Scott – wanderer, wanderer from Scotland
  2. Wise – knowledgeable or learned
  3. Patrick – nobleman or patrician
  4. Baker – baker or bread maker
  5. Sturgill – strong house
  6. Ramsey – wild garlic island
  7. Adkins – son of Adam
  8. Hill – someone who lived on or near a hill
  9. Counts – nobleman or companion
  10. Kennedy – helmeted head or misshapen head
  11. Bolin – variant of Bohlin, a Swedish name
  12. Driggers – someone who was a dragoman or interpreter
  13. Dye – die or dice player
  14. Sizemore – large or extensive swamp
  15. Wininger – wine maker
  16. Mullins – descendant of Maelan
  17. Lawson – son of Lawrence
  18. Adkins – son of Adam
  19. Cornett – horn player or blower of the horn
  20. Craft – skilled worker or tradesman

Stylish Melungeon Surnames

  1. Hubbard – high, bright hill
  2. Freeman – free man
  3. Fields – open land, meadow
  4. Hawkins – son of Hawk
  5. Hall – someone who lived in or worked in a hall
  6. Brock – badger
  7. Anderson – son of Andrew
  8. Dixon – son of Dick
  9. Collins – son of Colin
  10. Davidson – son of David
  11. Byrd – bird
  12. Collins – son of Colin
  13. Lawson – son of Lawrence
  14. Blevins – son of Blaen
  15. Gibson – son of Gilbert
  16. Goodman – good man
  17. Melton – mill town
  18. Powers – someone with great influence or power
  19. Shelton – ledge town
  20. Green – someone who lived by a village green

Latest Melungeon Last Names

  1. Moore – marshland or moor
  2. Stanley – stony meadow
  3. Hall – someone who lived in or worked in a hall
  4. Gann – descendant of the fair one
  5. Sexton – church official
  6. Ramsey – wild garlic island
  7. Crum – crooked or bent
  8. Howard – high guard
  9. Goins – variation of the Welsh name Gwyn
  10. Vann – pale-skinned
  11. Minor – younger, smaller
  12. Hale – hollow or remote valley
  13. Morgan – sea circle
  14. Fields – open land, meadow
  15. Bowlin – variant of Bolin
  16. Mullins – descendant of Maelan
  17. Goodman – good man
  18. Bell – dweller near the bell-shaped object
  19. Craft – skilled worker or tradesman
  20. Hall – someone who lived in or worked in a hall


Exploring Melungeon surnames is a journey through time and ancestry, uncovering the stories and lineages of a people with a unique heritage. These surnames serve as tangible links to their past, offering insights into their origins, migration patterns, and cultural influences.

Also See: Cherokee Indian Surnames

By understanding Melungeon surnames, we gain a deeper appreciation for their rich and diverse history. So it was all about Melungeon Surnames and Last Names, if you like d our article then please share it. ThakurUncategorizedMelungeon Surnames and Last Names: Melungeon surnames and last names, passed down through generations, offer a window into their rich and complex history. These surnames, often shared among Melungeon families, suggest common ancestry and connections to specific regions. While some surnames have been traced back to European and Native...Let's Define DBMS