Shadow Paging in DBMS? Example, Advantages, Disadvantages

Shadow Paging in DBMS? Example, Advantages, Disadvantages: The process of recovering data in a database management system is known as Shadow Paging. It is a recovery technique where the transactions are performed in the main memory. After completion of transactions, they get updated in the database. However, it didn’t show up in the database if … Read more

What is RAID in DBMS: 7 Levels with Advantages and Methods

What is RAID in DBMS, 7 Levels with Advantages and Methods: RAID, fully abbreviated as Redundant Array of Independent Disk uses different small and low-cost drives to be transformed into a single storage media. It is performed to enhance fault tolerance and improve disk reliability in the database management system. There are many issues with … Read more

File Organization in DBMS: Types with Advantages and Importance

File Organization in DBMS: Types with Advantages and Importance: The File Organization can be defined as the logical relationships between different records in the file. It is mainly related to finding and accessing any particular record. If we talk simply, file organization means storing files in a particular sequence for logical control. Also See: iRoot … Read more

Aggregation in DBMS: Types, Example, Techniques and Importance

Aggregation in DBMS: Types, Example, Techniques and Importance: Aggregation can be defined as a procedure for combining multiple entities into a single one. In database management, it is a design system performed to model relationships between a group of entities and another relationship. Its main motive is treating these relationships as a single one. This … Read more

Metadata in DBMS, Types and Importance

Metadata in DBMS, Types and Importance: Metadata can be defined as the complete context of data in DBMS that assists in organizing, identifying, and understanding it. In simple language, it is the information used for describing schema and related details for storing data in the database having data elements, storage, usage, and many more. There … Read more

35 Examples of Popular Database Management Systems (DBMS)

35 Examples of Popular Database Management Systems (DBMS): There are lots of examples of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and all over the world these are widely used by companies. Big and small company use DBMS according to their requirements. We have listed all the famous Examples of Database Management Systems (Examples of DBMS). So here … Read more

Generalization in DBMS with Example

Generalization in DBMS with Example: An extended ER diagram has features such as Specialization, Generalization, and Aggregation. In the previous tutorial, we have covered Specialization. Now, let us proceed to learn Generalization. Also See: Structure of DBMS Generalization is an abstraction process of viewing the set of objects as a single – general class which … Read more

Specialization in DBMS: Definition, Examples and its Need

Specialization in DBMS: Definition, Examples and its Need: A simple Entity Relationship (ER) diagram represents the relationship of various entities which are stored in a database. Likewise, an Extended Entity Relationship (EER) diagram is an advanced version of ER diagram that manages the increasing complexity of the data. This extended ER diagram also introduced various … Read more

Pagination in SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle with Examples

Pagination in SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle with Examples: Often, while working with the application with a huge result set in the backend, it is not desired to display all the records on one page, and instead, it is always better to display them on multiple pages. Also See: Structure of DBMS Definition: Pagination is … Read more