Author Archives: Sumit Thakur - Page 3
What is Traditional File Processing System And Its Characteristics
What is Traditional File Processing System And Its Characteristics: Before the use of computer, a manual file system was used to maintain the records and files. All the data was…
TCL Commands in SQL- Transaction Control Language Examples
TCL Commands in SQL- Transaction Control Language Examples: Transaction Control Language can be defined as the portion of a database language used for maintaining consistency of the database and managing…
15 Characteristics of Database Management System
Characteristics of Database Management System: At the end of this article you will be able to understand what are the basic Characteristics of Database management systems? There are numerous characteristics…
SQL Update Statement – Update Query In SQL
The Update is one of the DML (data manipulation) commands that are essentially used to update the existing data in the records/tuples. Pick a case of a company as an…
Insert statement is a basic yet most useful command in SQL to insert new data (records) into the table in the database. There are various ways in which data can…
SQL Operators | Arithmetic, Comparison & Logical Operators
As a SQL developer, often there are scenarios when you tend to manipulate and retrieve the data in a specific way. In other words, you would want to perform various…
A Datatype can be defined as “Type of the value that is stored in a column of a table”. For instance, you want to create a table and have a…
Relational Data Model: Concept, Constraints, Advantages
Relational Data Model: Concept, Constraints, Advantages: The relational data model can be defined as the database that displays a cluster of relations between tables of values. There is a collection…
What is data Extraction and Tools in DBMS?
What is data extraction and Tools in DBMS? Data extraction can be defined as the process of masking the data by eliminating irrelevant details so that the complexity can be…
10 Differences between SQL Vs MySQL in Tabular Form
10 Differences between SQL Vs MySQL in Tabular Form: A programmer has to utilize tons of different languages for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data located in the back-end. Their…