35 Examples of Popular Database Management Systems (DBMS): There are lots of examples of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and all over the world these are widely used by companies. Big and small company use DBMS according to their requirements. We have listed all the famous Examples of Database Management Systems (Examples of DBMS). So here is the list of Popular Database management systems.
Also See: Advantages of Database Management System
Examples of Popular Database Management Systems (DBMS)
MySQL Database
MySQl was found n the year of 1995. Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL in 2008 and Sun Microsystems was acquired by oracle in 2010. MySQL comes among the largest open source company of the world. MyQSL is so famous due its high efficiency, reliability and cost. Along with linux, php and apache it also have lamp technology. MySQL is providing certification and training of Mysql server.
Cost: MySQL Standard, Enterprise, and Cluster Carrier Grade cost $2,000, $5,000, and $10,000, respectively.
MS- Access
MS- Access was developed by miscrosoft and it is a computer based application that is used to create and maintain computer based database on desktop computers. This can be used for personal use and for small business that needs a database. It stores information in its own format that is based on jet database engine and it used a graphical user interface that makes it easier to work.
Cost: Free to use and download
Also See: What is Database
Oracle Database
Oracle database is developed by Oracle Corporation and it is the fourth generation of Relational database management system. Oracle database is used mostly by big companies that need to manage a large amount of data. Oracle database is very flexible and it most useful features are integrity constrains, triggers, shared SQL, and Locking.
Cost: The cost of this tool can vary depending on the type of business being managed and your software solutions. You must then contact Oracle Customer Service for pricing.
DB2 database is developed by IBM Corporation. DB2 is also used to store data for large companies. It is an relational database management system and its extended version also supports object –oriented features. The main problem with DB2 is its cost.
Cost: The community version is completely free.
Microsoft SQL Server
As its name shows, it was developed by Microsoft. It is an RDBMS that is used to create computer database for MS- Windows. MS SQL Server create database that can be accessed from workstations and with internet. Microsoft has produced many versions of SQL server depending upon the customer demands.
Cost: SQL Developer is free for users to use and download.
Also See: DBMS Versus File system
Amazon RDS
This is the best DBMS available in the market these days. It stands for Amazon Relational Database Server. Its inbuilt secured connection and data backup feature puts it above all the DBMS. It uses cloud technology and it is very easy to use and setup. Amazon RDS is and RDBMS. It was developed by Amazon.com in October 2009.
Cost: Amazon RDS for free.In fact, there are no minimum criteria for using this tool. You can pay for the resources you use using the on-demand method. It may sound complicated, but you can calculate your monthly bill instantly with the simple AWS Monthly Calculator.
File Maker
It was developed by Filemaker inc. and it is a cross-platform rdbms widely used by many companies. It has a database engine with graphical user interface. It can be used for both windows and mac. It gives many security features that allows user to alter database by simply dragging new element into forms, screens and layouts.
Cost: The license for FileMaker Pro is $329. But the Advanced version is priced at $549 and Server version at $1,044
It stand for not only SQL. It is different from other database management system as it is a non-relational database management system. It is used in distributed data stores like in google and facebook that collects terabits of data every day. It is used to store huge amount of data of social media sites that SQl Servers can never do.
Cost: It is free to use and download.
Also See: Applications and Uses of Database Management System
Postgresql a cross plat ORDBMS that runs on different operating systems like linuz, windows and solaris etc. It is developed by PostgreSQL development group. This is and open source database that is free to use under free software license.
Cost: PostgreSQL is available for free. The tool’s distribution license allows users to resell binaries via open source.
MS Fox Pro
Fox pro is a DBMS initially developed by Fox software then later by Microsoft corporation. Fox pro is the combination of both dbms and rdbms. Fox pro supports multiple relationship between DBF Files but it lacks transactional processing.
Cost: It is a free application.
Red Brick
Red Brick is developed by IBM corporation and it can handle large amount of data. This is very easy to install and manage.
Cost: It is free and easy to download
Ingres Database is an open source relational database management system that supports a large number of government applications. Ingres is a cross platform database that is acid compatible and fully transactional.
Cost: Its costing starts from $24/year
Adabas was initially launched on IBM Mainframe. Adabas recently produced 8.2 version that has more field but it is less flexible.
Cost: It is available in ₹ 7,000 / Unit
Uni Data
Unidata was originally developed by Unidata corporations and it is an extended rdbms. Unidata has its own programming language unibasic and own query language called uniquery. Unidata is used for vertical application development.
Cost: Free trial & download available. ₹ 7,000 / Unit
Informox Dynamic Server 2000
It was originally developed by Informix software inc. but it is used by IDM software database group. It is an extensible RDBMS that is also known as IDS.
Cost: The price of the tool largely depends on the amount of data you want to store.
Point Base Network Server
Point base database server is made for java implementation of a RDBMS. If you want to use Point base then you must have installed Java Virtual Machine. Point base server edition allows you to make multiple connection with database with multiple java applications.
Cost: Its community version is free.
Versant is an object database that is developed by Versant Corporation. Its primary supported languages are C#, C++ and java. Online transaction processing applications are best kind of applications that can use Versant.
Cost: Its community version is free.
Supra PDM
Supra PDM is developed by Cincom Systems that provide high speed transaction processing and scalability. One can access Supra PDM using standard SQl tools and SQL applications.
Cost: The price of the tool largely depends on the licensing.
Integrated Database Management System is owned by computer associates (CA Technologies). Its main feature is it’s built in Data Dictionary. Data Dictionary maintains database definitions.
Cost: Only Free Trail is Available.
It is and RDBMS that is used by mainframe computers. Datacom is also owned by computer associates. It is written in c and assembly languages.
Cost: It is the free version of the database product
Adaptive Server Enterprise
It is also known as Sybase DB and this is developed by Sybase Corporation. It is written in C, C++ and it is an cross platform relational database management System.
Cost: Its community version is free.
Advantage Database Server
It is also an RDBMS used by small organizations. Also it is a cross platform RDBMS developed by Sybase Corporation.
It is an cross platform RDBMS that is developed by Embarcadero technologies. It is different from other RDBMS because of its small footprints and less administration requirements.
Teradata Database
Teradata is an RDBMS that is open source and capable of supporting many used from client platforms.
Intersystems Cache
Cache database is developed by Intersystems corporation and it is an object orientated database management system.
Quadbase SQL Server
Quadbase SQL Server is developed by Quadbase Systems inc and its primary market is enterprise. It is an RDBMS that was originally founded in 1988.
Robot 3T
Robo 3T, formerly known as Robomongo, is a popular resource for MongoDB hosting distros. Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for interacting with blocks of data that uses visual indicators instead of a text interface. It’s free and easy. We can call it a management tool for MongoDB that is shell-centric and cross-platform. Not supported by JSON.
MongoDB is a cross-platform, document-centric database that offers high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. MongoDB works on the concept of collection and document. A collection is a group of MongoDB documents. It is the equivalent of an RDBMS table. The collection exists in a single database.Collections do not enforce a schema.
CouchDB is an open source database developed by the Apache Software Foundation. The focus is on ease of use, also on the web. It is a NoSQL document archive database. Use JSON to store data (documents), Javascript as query language to transform documents, HTTP protocol for API to access documents, index queries with a web browser (XNXubd VPN Browser).
OrientDB is an open source NoSQL database management system. A NoSQL database provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving NO-relationship or NOT-relationship data that references data other than tabular data, such as B. Document data or chart data. NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real-time web applications. NoSQL systems are sometimes referred to as “not just SQL”; to indicate that they can support SQL-like query languages.
Cloudera is a software company that for over a decade has offered a structured, flexible and scalable platform that enables advanced analysis of large datasets with Apache Hadoop in any environment.Cloudera is a leader in Apache Hadoop-based software and services, delivering a powerful new data platform that enables businesses and organizations to visualize all their data, structured and unstructured, and ask broader questions for unprecedented insights into the speed of thought.
4d (4th Dimensions)
Four-dimensional (4D) space is a mathematical extension of the concept of three-dimensional (3D) space. Three-dimensional space is the simplest possible abstraction from the observation that only three numbers, called dimensions, are needed to describe the size or position of objects in the everyday world.
Toad by Quest is a collection of database management tools that database developers, administrators, and data scientists use to streamline workflows, create high-quality, bug-free code, automate common or repetitive processes, and minimize risk. Short for Tools for Oracle Application Development, TOAD is a set of development tools used for application development, database development, or business analysis that help developers deploy web-based applications and services on Oracle on the Windows platform.
Hadoop HDFS
HDFS stands for Hadoop Distributed File System. HDFS operates as a distributed file system designed to run on simple hardware. HDFS is fault tolerant and designed to run on inexpensive hardware. Rapid recovery from hardware failures: An HDFS cluster can eventually cause server failures, but HDFS is designed to detect failures and recover automatically.
Improvado is a marketing data aggregation tool to automate reporting. Used by small and medium-sized businesses, it can be hosted in the cloud or on-premises. The solution allows users to connect multiple data sources to a single virtual database.
Razor SQL
RazorSQL is a SQL query tool, database viewer, SQL editor and database management tool. It can connect to over 40 databases and works on Windows, macOS, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris.
The open source DBMS tool is a favorite among developers as one of the powerful DBMS tools to design, develop and perform other database management tasks. The best thing about SQL Developer is that it takes less time to execute multiple queries. As a result, users generate queries in multiple formats like PDF, HTML, XML or Excel.
CoScale’s strength lies in the monitoring and optimization of large data projects. The KPI window can be shared with multiple users. Web developers, engineers, digital marketers, and operations managers can share their work on CoScale.
All these are famous and popular examples of database management systems (DBMS) (DBMS Examples). If you liked this post then please share it with your friends on social media websites.